Managed ICT Support for Education

The service we propose is more than just a technical bill of materials – it is a hands-on service, providing real people with real solutions. We are bringing a wealth of technical knowledge and human skills through our team who have an in-depth understanding of education settings.
ICT Support for Education
We recognise the important role School SLT play in the management and day-to-day operations and, to ensure reliable IT and personal response for these VIP users, we have provisioned VIP SLA response via the onsite Technical Engineers for SLT.
The Account team are there to provide information, support and be a point of escalation for the ongoing management of the working relationship.
Your school or Trust will have access to a range of technical experts all based on a centralised datacentre platform.
Regular contact will be with the Helpdesk engineers, who are support by the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line engineers, providing advice, guidance and technical solutions to any IT queries.
They will also manage moves, adds and changes, and will be the driving force to resolve any critical incident, should one take place.
Any project work will be handled by the Consultants and Project team, who will liaise with your project leads throughout the contract.
We believe all users within your school or Trust will benefit from our proposed solution in numerous ways: SLT, Admin team, Teaching Staff, Students, Parents, Governors and the Estates team. Everything we do is underpinned by the idea of minimising user workload.
We aim to make the working lives of SLT, Admin, Governors, Estates Team and Teaching staff easier and more time efficient by:
Minimising the bureaucracy and number of management layers involved in decision making
Ensuring efficient and effective IT solutions, which require less resource and are flexible
Taking the pressure of IT away from users
Being proactive instead of reactive
Providing modern, reliable technology
Taking the initiative to research and investigate new and emerging best practice
Holding the accountability for issues and improvements

Robust Service Delivery and Continuous Service Improvement:
We continually strive to improve the support service we offer through:
regular assessment of the products we provide
consultancy services
ways to reuse of parts of the existing setup to reduce costs and waste
keeping up to date with legislative changes (GDPR, environmental, H&S, waste etc.)
technological advances affecting surveys (e.g. introducing aerial surveys via drone)
helpdesk system options and level of service offered to our clients
availability of post-installation Support and Maintenance contracts.